Saturday, September 11, 2010

Genesis Q&A: Dinosaurs

We've finished up our series in Genesis 1-3, so lets deal with a few questions that have come in from inquiring minds. Here is a question about dinosaurs. I hope this helps!

Q: How do the dinosaurs figure into the creation/Eden account?

A: Biblical teaching, scientific evidence, and a survey of historical mythology all corroborate the existence of dinosaurs. How and when they became extinct is the question, despite various theories, that remains unanswered.

1. Biblical teaching. I happen to think that the language describing Leviathan (Job 3:8, 41:1, Psalm 74:14, 104:26, Isaiah 27:1) and Behemoth (Job 40:15) in the Scriptures point to unusual enough species to qualify as dinosaurs. Behemoth, often translated as a hippopotamus, is described as having a tail like a cedar (Job 40:17). That's unlike any hippo I've ever seen! Scientists recently found the fossil remains of an ancient killer whale estimated at about 60 feet in length. What's more impressive than that is the size of the whale's teeth, measuring up to a foot in length! Choppers that size point to a more aggressive whale, that possibly preyed on other smaller whales. You want to know what scientists named the fossil beast? They call it, Leviathan melvillei. Homage to biblical Leviathan and Moby Dick. Pretty impressive. Visit National Geographic online for the full story and pictures.

In addition, I find it interesting that the oldest book in the Bible, Job, contains the most frequent language depicting enormous and sensational creatures. This is either an influence of ancient mythology, or as I suspect, the actual existence of such creatures in Job's day.

2. Scientific evidence. This is an easy one. Excluding scientific dating methods for the moment, the prolific evidence of dinosaur fossils leaves very little doubt concerning the existence of these large, ancient creatures.

3. History of mythology. The abundance of mythology surrounding monsters, dragons, and enormous sea creatures is at least some evidence to their actual existence. From Sumerian and ancient Egyptian cultures to Europe in the Middle Ages, we see the existence of creatures unknown to the modern world. It seems to me that it is not only possible, but probable, that these myths (although certainly fictionalized over time) came from historical experiences with ancient beasts. For those who think such creatures are too fantastic, have you ever studied the Komodo dragon? Or more to the point, consider the research of Adrienne Mayor, a scholar at the University of Stanford who has made the connection between paleontology and mythology.

It is unclear how dinosaurs became extinct. Many Christian scientists point to the change of climate after Noah's flood. That is a possibility, but no one knows for sure. I would only point out that animals become extinct even in today's world, despite all our best attempts to the contrary. Extinction does not necessarily require millions of years and/or cataclysmic events. There are about 10 species that have gone extinct this century alone. (Which stinks, by the way.)

So, to summarize: dinosaurs cause no conflict between faith, science or history. I'll take up the matter of dating (specifically carbon dating) in the next blog.

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